Helping mommy dust

Just lovin' the breeze blow through my hair
Just having a chat with my mom over a snack
Hello everyone, no we didn't fall off the face of the earth, we promise!!! Sorry it has been so long since we posted here. No good excuses as usual, just participating in daily life.
Elizabeth is doing so well. She is getting bigger, definitely taller and is gaining a little weight. Speech therapy is going fairly well and we are making slow progress. She has learned to sign a few more words and her oral motor weakness is showing some improvement. Unfortunately, she is also teething so she is not very into having your fingers or her tri-chew in her mouth right now. The speech therapist seems to think that the teething may have alot to do with the fact why our progress has not been faster.
Elizabeth continues to attend pre pre-school each Monday. She does enjoy it, but it really taxes her as far as having to follow along with a group, participate in group activities and follow directions. She definitely wants to do what she wants to do, not necessarily what the teacher wants her to do. Thank goodness the teacher says this is normal for her age, she is the youngest in the class and is just behind the rest of the group in her social skills and some developmental skills. She is the youngest by at least 6 months. And at this age that is a huge difference. She is quite pooped when she gets home!
Here are some pics for you to see how our precious little girl is changing. We just can't believe we are going on 8 months since she arrived in this household. She will be 20 months old at the end of this month as well.
Completely exhausted after eating that crouton