I know it is far away but look closely-the dog, Elizabeth and myself all sitting in the swing together. Kind of homey don't you think???
Our little rock star!!!
Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers out there! It has been a long time coming, but, finally I get to celebrate a Mother's Day with my own child. It was about 2 weeks after Mother's day last year that we received our referral for Elizabeth and then as you all know, we left for China to meet her on July 15th. So in every way this is my first Mother's Day, and it has been a great weekend to celebrate.
We spent the day at the beach again yesterday, and Patrick even accompanied us!!! That is a feat within itself as he pretty much despises the beach. I think he wanted to see for himself how much Elizabeth really enjoys herself when she is at the beach. She just loves the water, loves to dig in the sand, wave and say Bye Bye to everyone. He really enjoyed watching her, as I did. Then we chilled out for the afternoon in Ormond, then had an early dinner, then came home. We ended up being gone from 9:30 am until 8:30 pm! Guess we were having fun, huh??
Then today at 6:55 am, my girl came to wake me up and wish me a Happy Mother's Day, with kisses and crawling all over me in the bed. She gave me a 1 hour massage gift certificate and a beautiful card. We have just kind of been chilling out around the house today. Nice to not have to go anywhere, or do anything. Just sit back and enjoy the many blessings we have right here in good ol' Deltona, Florida. Just being together today is gift enough!
We are making plans for a reunion with our China travel group and hope to meet up in Gatlinburg, TN in July. Stay posted for the pics when that happens!! Almost one whole year since we all traveled together. Our girls are going to look very different that is for sure!!
Elizabeth starts swimming lessons tomorrow. I think it is really more like an introduction to water in general, but a much needed class in Florida. As much as she loves the beach, she has never been a big fan of the pool, so it is time to get used to that too. We are around pools all the time here and she needs to learn how to be safe.
Only 3 more weeks left of "school" as well. We will be finishing up our "pre" preschool class that gets the kids ready for the real thing in the fall. Patrick has been going most weeks with her, but I have been fortunate enough to arrange my schedule to be able to attend about 4 classes too. It is a great environment and she really enjoys herself and has a great group of kids in her class. We think all but 2 of the kids will be in the same preschool class in the fall, the other 2 will move up to the 3 year old class. So Elizabeth will have been around and know 3 of the kids when she starts class in August.
That about sums up our life for now. Hopefully I'll remember to get some pictures of swim class and post them here later in the week.
Happy Mother's Day!!!!