Hello to all my friends out there!!!!

Eating pizza for the 1st time!

Dancing my socks off at Alicia's wedding-I am known as the Dancing Queen you know?!?!?

Riding my "bike" that Aunt Janet and Uncle Randy gave me for Christmas

Swinging on my new swing set

Hummmmm, now what was I googling?!?!
I know it has been a very long time since we were last here, but life is very busy with a 2 1/2 year old! Elizabeth is growing up so fast, I sure do miss our "baby" but she is growing up into quite a little lady.
She goes to preschool 2 mornings per week, but asks every morning "school today?" We are still in speech therapy one day per week, but in the last 2 months we have really been taking off and meeting our goals and I don't think speech will be needed much longer. As a result of speech her eating patterns are much improved and meal time does not take near as long. And an added benefit it she LOVES carrots!!!! This is one of her foods she eats during therapy and as a result she now loves carrots!
We are really moving along with potty training and may be able to go to school in a week or two in just regular clothes and regular underpants! YEAH!!!
She is still the tiny peanut, only weighs 20.5 lbs, and is about 31 to 32 inches tall. But trust me the attitude makes up for the small stature! Her father and I had no idea so much noise could come out of something so little!!!! She is so active, never stopping for a minute. One of our travel mates recently had a photo of her little girl laying on the sofa watching cartoons, well you will never see that kind of picture here, because the longest Elizabeth sits still is about 2 minutes and then on to the next project.
I will post some more pics in just a minute in a separate post, just so this one does not get too long. I'll try not to go so long between posts again, but again, no promises!!!
Until next time...................................