Saturday, August 23, 2008

Tropical Storm Fay

Well it has been a few weeks since our first post here so I thought it was time to say hello and bring you all up to date on the last few weeks.

We are now considering asking China for twins. Like we said before, when we started the adoption process the time from paperwork submitted to travel to China to get your baby was running around 6-8 months. Now it looks like we may travel sometime in 2009, maybe the spring or early summer. Maybe we're crazy, but since our wait has now extended to over 2.5 years, and will likely go past a 3 year wait, and with the new rules in China for adoptions we would not be able to go back to China to adopt again. China has now instituted an age limit for adoptive parents and neither parent can be over the age of 50. Well, Patrick turns 50 on November 26th this year, so this is our one and only chance to go to China and give our children a chance for a sibling of the same heritage. Our agency tells us to many people ask for twins but very few twins are actually referred. Again, we have faith that God will provide us with the child or children that he has intended for us.

On to other news-we have been dealing with Tropical Storm Fay now for 5 days. What was forecasted to impact us on Tuesday and Wednesday did not actually start to hit us until Thursday evening. We did have rain showers and some light winds on Tuesday and Wednesday but the brunt of the storm hit Thursday evening and has pretty much stayed with us off and on since then. Patrick has been religiously monitoring our rain gauges and since Monday afternoon we have had almost 25 inches of rain! WOW! I do have a short video showing the standing water in our backyard that you can see below. Do you think if we sell our home we could advertise as waterfront property?????

Until next time

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Jennifer and Patrick,

Thank you for creating this so that we may better understand what is going on in your path to parenthood. We are patiently(HA HA HA) awaiting our new niece(s), and/or nephew(s)!!!! Murphie can't wait to have a new cousin!!! We love you!