Monday, September 29, 2008

Referral news

Today our adoption agency announced that families who had sent their paperwork to China and were "logged in" in February 13, 2006 have received their babies information today. For those of you who don't understand the terminology surrounding Chinese adoptions it goes a little something like this:
DTC-stands for Date to China-that is the day your paperwork left your adoption agency's office for China. For Patrick and I our date was February 17, 2006 (Jennifer's dad's birthday too)
LID-stand for Log In date-that is the date that the Chinese Center for Adoption Affairs acknowledged receipt of your paperwork. This is the date where the official clock starts counting.

Patrick and I have a log in date of March 14, 2006. So that means that the CCAA(chinese center for adoption affairs) has about 4 weeks of referrals to process before it is our turn. In the last 12 months or so the CCAA has been processing 4-7 days worth of referrals each month. In calendar time, that means that Patrick and I are probably looking at another 4-8 months of waiting to get our referral. Sounds like a long time to most people, but when you have been in the process for 2 1/2 to 3 years already-another 4 to 8 months seems like tomorrow.

Maybe we better get working on the nursery in the next couple of months! Now that is exciting-
Until next time-

1 comment:

the mommy said...

You are so right it is all about perception.. 4-8 months is tomorrow you better get cracking on the nursery..Hang in there