Sunday, December 28, 2008

A late Merry Christmas and early Happy New Year

It is now December 28th and Christmas has passed-let me take the opportunity now to say to everyone we hope you had a very merry Christmas. We had a nice day indeed.
Christmas Eve started off very questionable with a 4 am wake up call due to the police helicopter flying over our house! Still not sure what was going on but it is safe to say that you really can't fall back to sleep with complete confidence knowing there is a law enforcement helicopter just above your head.
Then, knowing the day would be busy and there was still alot of baking and cooking to do, both Patrick and I got out of bed. Patrick went to kitchen and started making a batch of stollen, which is delicious, and gets better each and every year-he placed a pot of sugar and butter on the stove and walked to another part of the house. Well, you guessed it, the sugar and butter came to a boil all over the stove top! Then I walk out into the kitchen to start my baking and step onto the tile floor and it feels like sand all underneath my feet. It appears, the sugar bag had a hole in it and when Patrick was placing the sugar and butter in the pot the sugar spread all over the kitchen floor. We managed to get the stove top and sugar cleaned off the floor and things were going well for about one hour when all of a sudden Patrick yells out "S***!" I asked what was the problem and he says he forgot to put the eggs in the stollen dough that he has just mixed up and is already starting to rise. Complete and utter chaos in our house that morning.

I then went off to work shortly after 7 am and it was also a day to remember. One of the busiest days I have ever had in my work history. As many of you know I am a nurse practitioner and spent Christmas Eve rounding on patients at one of our local hospitals. I work with people who have kidney disease, and absolutely love my job. However, this day was one of the busiest days I have ever worked, and also having to see some of the sickest people I have ever seen in one day. But, I was able to make it out in time to attend Christmas Mass with my inlaws and husband and then a simple, quiet dinner at their home.
Then Christmas morning Patrick and I opened our gifts to each other and then loaded the car and headed to my parents house. My sister and her husband, my mom and dad, Patrick and myself all opened gifts and had a fantastic lunch and then later in the afternoon Patrick's brother who lives about 50 miles from my parents, came up to spend a few hours with us as well. It was a great day and definitely beat out the day before in terms of fun!
Now we are passing the time until New Years. Hoping and praying that 2009 will be "our" year in terms of being able to travel to China and complete our adoption. Neither one of us was in much of the Christmas spirit as this is now 3 Christmas' since we started this process that we don't have our child. I have said in previous post and still feel to this day, that it will all happen in God's time and that when we look back on this time years down the road it will all make perfect sense. However, even with that faith it is still hard to feel "great" or "complete" all the time. This entire process has forced me to be patient, and that is not something I do well, just ask Patrick!
We both want to wish each of you a healthy, happy and prosperous new year and we will continue to keep you posted on the adoption news just as soon as we know anything
Until next time

1 comment:

the mommy said...

Jennifer and Patrick I know it is hard to celebrate yet an other holiday and still be in the waiting line for this adoption but trust me it will happen and you will have your baby. It is all worth the wait as I am sure you have heard a million times before and are probably sick to death of hearing. Just know that somehow it all works out just the way it should.
