Sunday, May 24, 2009

What a weekend!! But we are ready for our girl

Well, I have been delaying putting the nursery together for the longest time. There were really a couple of reasons behind it A: Our "junk" room that was now becoming our guest room was just out of control and the thought of tackling it was honestly, overwhelming. B: the second reason was I just could not keep looking into the nursery at an empty crib for a long period of time. And now that is was 3 years in the waiting, I don't regret that decision one bit.

However, as you all know we received our referral on Thursday so there will be a baby in this house in just a matter of weeks, so I had to get to this project. Long story short-Patrick and I worked all day Saturday (from about 9:45 am until 7:30 pm) and then I worked on Sunday from about 10 am until about 6 pm, and guess what. There is no more junk room, there is now a nursery and there were no big fights about what was getting thrown out or recycled. So overall a great weekend!!! Exhausting, but great.

Now for the best part: Our baby girl now officially has the name of Elizabeth Grace!!! We really wanted to see her picture and look at it before deciding if she looked like an Elizabeth. And obviously we thought she did. Elizabeth is special to both of us, as my sister's middle name is Elizabeth and Patrick's grandmother's name was Elizabeth, and lastly we just thought it was a beautiful name.

Would you like to see another picture of Miss Elizabeth???

Take a look.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is absolutely beautiful! We can't wait to meet our new niece, Miss Elizabeth Grace MacDonald!!!!