Tuesday, January 19, 2010

6 months ago today

On July 20th, 2009 in a land far, far away-we met our daughter for the first time after a 3.5 year wait! Now fast forward 6 months later and here we are, home from China, settling in to life with a child and now having a hard time remembering what life was before Elizabeth arrived.

Elizabeth continues to grow taller, now 29.5 inches tall and weighs right at 16 lbs. Her hair is getting longer by the minute and will soon be going for her 4th haircut since coming home! She loves our dog still and they have formed a nice little bond. She continues to love music and has many, many toys that make music and she never fails to stop and rock out when the mood strikes her. She chatters constantly and is speaking more words and making animal sounds.

She is just amazing and makes our heart melt just about every day. She is very loving and gives hugs and kisses freely. She is the master of blowing kisses to any and everyone and has even started to have a "diva" move of blowing kisses using just 1 or 2 fingers, instead of the entire hand! It is very cute and looks just like a diva.

Here is a little photo montage documenting our girl over the last 6 months. I can't believe how much she has changed, and us too!

Enjoy the pics!

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