Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Easter a little late

Easter Pictures

Elizabeth and her cousin, Maddux

Elizabeth and her cousin Murphie-these 2 girls can sure play hard!!!!

Elizabeth with another cousin, Delanie

Looking so pretty standing in front of the azaleas!

Just another shot in the gorgeous azaleas

Elizabeth and the Easter Bunny

Happy Easter, a little late and Happy Spring. Can not believe another month as has passed since we posted here. Elizabeth is growing up so fast and literally changing day to day. She is talking more now, saying "please" and "I zaza" (which is her words for I gotcha). She continues to grow in height, now measuring in between 29.5 and 30 inches tall, and weighs about 17 lbs, 5 ounces. Her teeth are almost all in and at least the worst part of teething seems to be over with. Speech therapy is coming along but she still is not the greatest eater, but you can't have everything.

We had a big Easter barbeque on Easter Sunday and had about 118 people in attendance, the biggest ever, and most likely the last one ever. What started as a gathering of 20-30 people over 50 years ago, has morphed into this and frankly, with the events that happened in our lives over the last year (meaning the arrival of Elizabeth) we just don't have the time to devote to this gathering any longer. So sad to think of a 50+ year tradition ending, but getting ready for over 100 people is just a job that needs to be taken on by professionals!!!! That is not us!! Who knows that feeling may change, or the gathering may take on a different twist in the future if it does continue to happen, but for now we are approaching it as this was the last hurrah.

Not much else to report here, just loving our little girl to death and truly enjoying every moment with her

Until next time.....................................

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I am glad you guys had a great Easter I don't think I could have survived 100+ people! Elizabeth is getting so big she is just so cute give her a kiss from us! I love the bee dress Merrin has one too.