Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Another memory from one year ago

I have to admit I have been very emotional today thinking back to one year ago that we became a forever family. I have had tears in my eyes off and on throughout the day as I think back to that momentous occassion! I look back on the videos and photos and realize what a tiny little peanut we actually received! Patrick said to me today "do you know where her outfit is that she was wearing when we got her?" Of course, I know where this outfit is!!!!
Here is a photo exactly one year later of our precious angel! It fits her now, and she is 3-4 inches taller than she was then and weighs about 5 to 5.5 lbs more than she did back then.

Pay attention to the diaper hanging out in the center of the pants. These are called split pants and this is what kids in China wear instead of diapers! They start potty training at a very young age?!?!
Life has never been so good!!! We love our little girl to pieces!
Until next time..............................................

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I know it was a very emotional day. After I saw your post we put on Merrin's outfit too and it fits also it was so weird to see her in it and of course made me cry, she did not want to take it off!

Lots of love,
