Saturday, August 28, 2010

School Days!

Hi out there to everyone! Hope your summer is going well and you have not sweated to death like we have here in Florida.

Elizabeth has now started pre-school and here are a couple pics of the first day. She is really enjoying it. She goes 2 days per week for 3 hours and is pretty tuckered out once she gets home. Somedays she has to take a nap right away, even before eating lunch, because she is so pooped out. And today we have a slight runny nose, welcome to the world of school children, I guess!

We also had a 2 year old check up and our girl is 19.1 lbs in weight, and 30 inches tall. So that is almost 6 lb weight gain in the last year, and about 2.5 to 3 inches in height. Not too bad. As you can tell by the pictures her hair is growing like a weed too!!

Ready to go to school with my new book bag that is as big as me!

Waiting outside the classroom door to go into school. I wouldn't look at my mom because there was just too much other stuff going on!

1 comment:

Wendy said...

She is such a big girl I am so proud of you Elizabeth!! Love Auntie Wendy