Saturday, May 2, 2009

Where have we been??

Gosh, until I looked at our blog just now I had no idea how the time had elapsed since our last post! Wow, time flies when you are having fun! As you can tell by the lack of any post for the last 3 months, things have been kind of hectic.

We had been contemplating remodeling our kitchen for quite some time, but always found a reason to postpone it. Well long story short, our neighbors are good friends with a guy that owns a cabinet company. "Good friend" drops by casually on a Sunday morning, gives us some ideas on how to "re-do" this kitchen and off we go looking at sinks, faucets, doors, cabinet hardware etc. Well 5-6 weeks later after the casual Sunday morning drop by, we have a brand new kitchen and spruced up bathrooms as well. Pictures are coming, but we are absolutely thrilled with the new kitchen and baths. Money well spent and it all looks fantastic.

Then just as the big remodel was over with we hosted the annual Easter barbeque for the MacDonald clan. Patrick's family has hosted a barbeque on Easter Sunday for the last 45+, maybe 50+ years. It really is a family reunion that just always fell on Easter Sunday. As the years have gone by the younger generations have taken over the responsibility and for the last 6 years Patrick and I have been the host and hostess, along with Patrick's cousin and her husband. This year we had just about 90 people show up. The weather was nice, breeze was blowing, no rain, and the food as always was fantastic. We provide the meat and drinks and everyone else brings a dish to share. It was alot of fun, as always.

Then just about the time we finished cleaning up from the barbeque, we got news that referrals from China just may go to March 14th this time. And the rumors were coming in from all directions that this just may be the date, making the likelihood that we are in this bunch very good. Well, panic has now set in. Because once we get the referral we will leave for China about 30-60 days after that! Good Lord what have I been doing the last 3 years, we are not ready!!!! Patrick has already threatened to take me to the doctor for a "calming" prescription, and we have not even received "official" word yet. This could all be just a tease and then we go back into waiting mode again! Even now as I am typing this I have this little list running through my head about things I need to buy, good tips for packing, how clean do I really want the house to be before we leave, etc. You get the point, I am just about crazy now and if we don't get the call this month then it starts all over again next month.

Now we have the swine flu to contend with as well. It could change plans for traveling to China. Again, could, no definite word one way or the other. We have updated our travel immunizations and are preparing as if things will go on until we hear from our adoption agency otherwise.

I have said it over and over again in the previous post and still believe it now, it will all happen in God's time, and it will happen just the way it was intended to happen. Not a minute sooner, not at the moment I want it to, not when we think it is going to happen, but when God says it is time. I do have that faith and am looking so forward to the moment when we finally get to hear "I have a baby for you." Just thinking about it brings a flood of tears!

I am very emotional, very excited, very manic, very unpatient, and VERY ready to be a mom. Patrick is very level headed and calm, but has recently been saying "it will be nice if we get the call this month." He is a man of few words but the mind is always churning. He has been waiting on this with just as much excitement as me, he is just not as vocal about it. He is going to be a fantastic father, and I can't wait to see him with our child.

Well, we will keep you posted. If the "call" comes in this week I think you will hear our shouting all over the state of Florida. Follow along here for any updates as well

Until next time........

1 comment:

the mommy said...

OK Jennifer so lets hear it.. I am so excited for you...