Here is me and my girl as I am off to work!
Well, as you all know I have returned to work this week. It was bittersweet that is for sure, but everyone at work and at the hospital and dialysis unit were so excited to see me and hear all about Elizabeth. That in and of itself made work bearable. Who wouldn't love to go to work and just talk about your baby and show off pictures all day!!!! I did enjoy getting to use the other part of my brain and get parts moving again that had been dormant for the last 10 or 11 weeks. I have been a nurse practitioner for so long it is just second nature now and I really feel at home in my office and at the local hospitals. So walking into that familiarity made this week not so bad. I only cried Sunday nite and Monday morning as I walked out the door. I really didn't sleep Sunday nite, just thinking about how our life and little routine we had established was going to change forever now. And when I kissed Elizabeth goodbye and put my purse on my shoulder the tears started to fall. At that exact moment my phone went off and it was the physician assistant in our group sending me a text welcoming me back and wishing me a good day. I am so thankful for the good friends that I have in my life.
Patrick will have to comment on his week since he became stay at home daddy, or as he refers to it-the van dad, this week. I think they had good days, but I am sure he doesn't tell me a lot of the not so pleasant things so I won't worry too much. Elizabeth does not cry when I leave and apparently doesn't really cry during the day. But when I come home from work she is clingy and doesn't want to be far away from me at all. Really only one big issue and that was Monday when she had a huge poopy diaper that went all over her, her clothes, Patrick's clothes when he picked her up and then he didn't remember which drawer of clothes were the ones she can wear right now. So he had to call me about where to find another outfit to put on her, but that was really our only issue. I now leave an extra outfit laid out on her dresser when I leave in the morning for the "just in case" scenario! Overall a pretty smooth transition, I think.
Tonite we decided to order take out from our favorite local Chinese place. I had told them we were adopting the last time we were in there, so tonite when we went to pick up our food, of course, we took Elizabeth to show her off. The owners were so excited and asked all kinds of questions about her. They even said that some Chinese people were too closed minded to know that girl babies are just as special as boy babies. And they said over and over to Elizabeth-lucky baby, lucky baby. The owners were speaking to her in Mandarin and her face just lit up and she moved her lips like she was trying to speak just like them. She also squealed a lot and kept pointing at them. In a way it made me sad for a couple of different reasons. Number 1-I feel terrible I don't know more Mandarin to speak to Elizabeth. She clearly recognized it and was very excited to hear them speak. She concentrated so hard on what they were saying to her. Number 2-it made me miss China all over again. To hear the language just brought back such great memories of our trip. I am not sure I will ever have another travel experience that has touched me like our China trip has done for me. I know a big part of that excitement and the reason for such wonderful memories was because of receiving Elizabeth. But also, I have to say I just truly enjoyed the culture, the sights, the people, the food, just everything. I think part of the draw is it is so vastly different from the United States and I find that intriguing. It is something I never expected to enjoy, it is also something I never would have decided to travel to on my own. It seemed to "foreign", too third world, and many other things that I now know were just misconceptions and false.
I am looking forward to the weekend of having 2 days back to spend with my girl. She is such a joy. I am sorry that I miss all the cute little things she does during the day. I just don't want to do anything else once I get home but play with her and watch her. I don't want to miss anything!
By the way, as I was leaving for work one morning this week Elizabeth was leaning on the dog and chattering away at him. Well he walked away from her and guess what-yep-she took 3 steps after him! I was sooooooo glad I had not walked out that door yet! We have been anxiously awaiting the next few steps but so far she has maybe taken one other step but is now standing in the floor and is able to clap her hands and dance, and try to take her shirt off-all without falling down. It is just a matter of days I am sure before her walking starts in earnest.
Anyway, hope you all have a great week. I will continue to post here but the reality is now since I am back to work that I probably will only get the chance to post once or twice a week.
Until next time................................