Sunday, September 27, 2009

What a fun weekend!

Elizabeth had a great and busy weekend. Saturday we had a nice visit with Patrick's brother, Tim and his 3 kids-Maddux-age 12, Calen-age 9 and Delanie age 8. Their dad had met Elizabeth but this was the first time the kids had the opportunity to meet her. Delanie was a natural with her cousin and played very nicely and sweetly with her. And of course, Elizabeth turned on all her charm for them. She even walked a couple of steps while they were here! Here is a great picture of the cousins all together on the swing-

Here is a good one of Elizabeth with Calen-

Then after the fun on Saturday, we had a nice gathering to celebrate Moon Festival with our local Families with Chinese Children group. We met at a small local Chinese restaurant and basically took the place over. We live in a small community half way between Daytona Beach and Orlando and just in this small area comprised of 4 small towns we have about 20 families that have adopted from China. It was so nice to talk to other adoptive families and Elizabeth just loves seeing the other "asian" faces. She was smiling and babbling and really enjoying herself. There was one other family there that has a daughter adopted from Hunan, and they say she is "spicy" just like our girl. Here is a photo of Elizabeth enjoying her Gerber puffs at the gathering and then the group photo of all the girls that attended today. ( I know I don't look too Asian in that photo but she wouldn't stand up on her own with the group so I had to hold her)

Last but not least, I had to throw in a pic of her taking a few steps. We didn't have the camera ready for the "real" first steps she took earlier in the week, but I just so happened to catch these couple with the still camera today. I still have not been able to get her on video when she decides to walk a few steps! Also notice Elizabeth's trusty companion had to get in the shot as well!!!

Until next time...................................

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