Monday, September 14, 2009

A week of first's

Elizabeth had an exciting week of first time experiences. Here are a couple of photos to show you what she experienced:

The first two photos are of her at the beach. We weren't sure how much she would like the beach as she hasn't been too much of a fan of the pool unless someone else is in the pool splashing and entertaining her. But the beach was a different story! She sat right down in the sand and immediately picked up a handful and was running it through her hands. Then the water was coming up gently to her legs and she loved that. She was pointing and squealing for more and more water. I took her out a little deeper-like knee depth on me-and she loved that too. She did not seem scared at all and was soooo cute in her little bathing suit and sunglasses. She never touched her sunglasses once to try and take them off. It was like she knew she was at the beach and you were supposed to wear them!

The second set of photos is her having her first "haircut." Really it was just a little bang trimming and some slight trimming to even up some edges, but in my opinion, that counts as a haircut. Please ignore my hair as I was having some color strategically placed, if you know what I mean. Elizabeth was so good for her haircut, sat very still in my lap and just looked up at April, our stylist. She now has bangs which will hopefully grow a little and then we shaped the rest to grow into a bob. Her hair has grown so much since we got her. I look back at the pictures from the first few days and it is just amazing how much it has grown and how much thicker it has become. Overall she is such a different baby than the one that was handed to us on July 20th.

This one I just had to throw in-she is standing over the vacuum cleaner having her hair blown and she loves it!!! I call it her Marilyn Monroe shot

I am enjoying my last week at home with our precious baby girl. So sad to go back to work, but not quite as tearful as I have been since the reality of the situation is-I am going back to work (unless we win the lottery on Wednesday or Saturday) period and the sooner I accept it the better it will be. She will be with Patrick during the day, so at least daycare is avoided for now and he is a great dad. I think he is definitely more patient than I am! I have just told myself to enjoy this last week as I have enjoyed the last 9 weeks. Life has changed so much for the better. Our schedules may be different now but our lives are so much more enriched and filled with laughter and joy with our little girl. She is just too cute for words!
Until next time....................................

1 comment:

Tonya said...

Hmmm...Elizabeth likes the vaccum cleaner. Maybe Bella will too...if she ever sees one. :)