Tuesday, July 20, 2010

One year ago today-we became a forever family

The first picture we ever saw of her!

One year later!-Can you believe it????

One year ago today we became a forever family! Can you believe it has been one year already since our precious baby girl was placed in our arms?!?!?! Here is a photo montage of how our baby girl has evolved into a toddler.
Dear Elizabeth,
One year ago today, in a very hot room, in Changsha, Hunan Province, People's Republic of China, you were placed in our arms and became our daughter. Daddy and I love you so very much and just can not imagine our lives without you. You have blessed us in ways that only a parent can know.
You have evolved into a funny, spicy, imaginative little girl, and now looking back on the pictures and videos from one year ago, I think you had all those qualities then, but Daddy and I just didn't understand it or recognize it! We are first time parents you know!!!
We promised then to feed you, cloth you, provide you with the best education and most of all, love you forever and ever. We pledged that then, and we continue to pledge that now. You are the greatest gift ever and God picked just the right little girl to complete our family.
We love you so much, Ladybug!
Mama and Daddy

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Happy Family Forever Day!!!

Love to you all,
