Wednesday, June 17, 2009

No real news yet

Well, things have now kind of come to a grinding halt. All of our paperwork has been submitted to get our travel approval since we fall under the new criteria of the Hague process. I little different that the original way we started things filing an I600. But about 18 months ago we had to make a decision about renewing paperwork for our I600 versus letting things expire and applying for the adoption under the new Hague rules. Well we ultimately decided to let things expire and renew under the new Hague rules. I am now questioning that decision, as it may delay our travel approval a little longer than the rest of our travel group.

I have memorized USCIS Hague Adoption Unit's telephone number as well as the phone number for the National Visa Center and have called them quite frequently the last few weeks. I can now just say "Good morning" to whoever answers the phone and the person then says to me "How are you this morning, Mrs. MacDonald." I don't think this is a good thing when they recognize my voice on the phone!!!

So-I guess the end to this story is-we are officially waiting again-this time for travel approval. No one else in our group has received travel approval yet either, and are probably getting anxious like I am. I REALLY would like to be with Elizabeth on her first birthday.

On other news-I had told you all in the last post that my sister was having surgery and asked for prayers to help her through this ordeal. She did great with the surgery, in fact, it has been one week ago today. I spent the weekend at my parents house and went over to my sisters each day to check on her. She was fortunate she only had to stay in the hospital for 2 days, but it has taken until today for her to say "I feel good today." She has had quite a bit of pain around her incisions and is having problems with coughing most of the nite when she is trying to sleep. She is eating some now, but still only soft foods and liquids. The surgeon tells us it will be 3 weeks before we have any idea on if the surgery was successful. Bless her heart, but she has been a good sport through it all.

Not really anything else too exciting on our end. I'll keep you posted once we have our travel approval. Once we have that information then we will know when we will be in China. Please pray that our paperwork sails through each point and that there are no holdups whatsoever, so that we can travel with the 7 other families that are in our referral group and be on our way to our little girl.

Until next time................

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