Monday, June 29, 2009

We're leaving on a jet plane!!!

After a crazy weekend with alot of phone calls and looking for flights, and talking to our fantastic travel agent-we are booked on our flights to China!!!! YIPEE!!!!

We will be leaving the US on July 15th and returning to the US on July 31st. We will stay a day and a half in the Newark area with Patrick's brother and sister in law, as our sister in law is a pediatrician and we really want her to have a look at Elizabeth and reassure us she is OK. And to also give us tips on what we need to ask our personal pediatrician when we go for our first appointment.

We will then travel home to Florida on August 2nd and will arrive home (well actually the airport) around 5:30 pm!!!!

My mind is reeling thinking of all the things that need to get done, but I know they will get done eventually.

Stay posted for further updates
Until next time..........

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