Thursday, June 25, 2009


Ok after a dismal week of receiving the news our adoption agency is closing, things have started to turn around. Our agency told us if travel approvals were received before the end of the month then they would help us with our travels to China, in China and home from China. You know we were praying for the travel approval to arrive!!! And it did-today!!!

Basically what happens now is our travel group all decides which date will work best for everyone to have our Consulate appointment in Guangzhou. As a group we are looking at July 28 for a consulate appt. Once this date is decided upon (which will probably be finalized by Friday morning) then our agency director will request a consulate appointment. Once the request is made we sit and wait 48-72 hours to hear the response. Once we have heard yeah or nay on the consulate request, we will then know what our exact travel dates will be.

SOOOOO, drum roll please-at the moment it looks like we will be leaving home for China around July 15-16. We will arrive in our daughter's province around July 19th and have her in our arms around July 20th!!!!! Good Lord I really think this is going to happen, finally!!! That means that she will have been with us about one week when we celebrate her first birthday on July 27th!!!! Now notice the above statements were made with around certain dates, because things may shift a day or two in either direction. Once we know our consulate appointment then the FINAL dates will be known as well.

It has been our wish all along to be able to be with our daughter on her birthday. I think the family is disappointed we likely won't be on US soil until a couple of days after her birthday, and I do understand the disappointment. However, she will most likely be able to celebrate this milestone with her mama and daddy!! It brings tears to my eyes to even think about it. What a monumental milestone for her life, being with her forever family and celebrating her first birthday all in about one weeks time.

Stay tuned for the final travel dates, we are VERY close now

Until next time...........

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