Monday, October 12, 2009

Just checking in

Breanna and Elizabeth-Saturday, Oct 10th

Hello all, it was a fairly busy week last week, and the end of a 12 day haul of working for me so I was definitely looking forward to the weekend! Elizabeth and I went into Orlando on Saturday and met up with my college roommate, Lynn and Lynn's daughter, Breanna. It was so great to see them both! However, I felt quite old as Lynn was 5 months pregnant with Breanna when Patrick and I got married and now she will be turning 13 years old in December! Good Lord where does the time go?????!?!?!

Breanna played with Elizabeth so well and was so good at keeping Elizabeth entertained and busy. Elizabeth is now walking all the time and just gets up and goes at free will. Well Breanna kept up the pace with her and it gave Lynn and I the opportunity to play catch up with each others lives. I have really missed seeing her regularly like we used to when I still lived in Orlando. We lived together for a couple of years in college and then continued on as roommates after college until Lynn got married. Those were the times!! Here are some pictures of our visit.

Lynn, Elizabeth and myself-Saturday, Oct 10. I think Elizabeth wanted to go home with them

This pic is a little blurry but it is Elizabeth playing on her wheely bug. When she first came home her legs wouldn't touch the ground when she sat on it. Now they touch and she can get off easily but hasn't quite mastered the art of getting on and also scooting around on it-yet! It is just the cutest little ladybug design and will try to get some pics of her on it and where you can see the entire toy.
What do you mean what am I doing? Lying on my parents bed, watching Spongebob and resting
my legs on this great foot stool-this is the life!
Until next time.......................................

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