Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Storytime and Pumpkin Patch

Tuesday's are for story time for Elizabeth. I started taking her when I was home on maternity leave and her dad has continued the tradition. It is just for 20 minutes at our local library but she LOVES it. Up until yesterday she would stand in front of us and participate with the music and clapping and listening to the stories but would not venture away from us. Well, yesterday a whole new Elizabeth broke out at story time. She stood right in front of the "teachers" and clapped and rocked to every song. Then would turn around and wave at everyone in the class. Then she would walk off around the room and check everyone out and then make her way back to the front of the class. She had a blast and everyone got a kick out of her!

Elizabeth and her friend, Olivia

I was able to join them for story time yesterday and was soooooo glad that I did not miss this show. She was definitely enjoying herself and entertaining everyone else in the room at the same time. I just wish we had taken the camera in so I could have photographed some of her antics!

After story time we went across the street to the pumpkin patch and picked out our pumpkin. She loved walking around and hitting those big orange balls! It was difficult to get her to stand or sit still for a photo but I was able to snap a few. Her friend, Olivia, also was at the pumpkin patch and we made their picture together as you can see.

I went back to work and Elizabeth and her dad came home and carved the pumpkin we bought. It was carved into the "scary" face that Elizabeth is now famous for. There is a picture a few posts down that shows her doing her "scary" face for everyone. She does it all the time and particularly likes to do it if she thinks she is getting in trouble for something!

Another pic of Elizabeth with Olivia

Until next time.........................

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