Yesterday Grams and Granddaddy came to visit. Elizabeth just LOVES when they come because she gets all the attention every single minute that they are here. And of course, they brought a Halloween basket with goodies in it for her. This is the first time they have seen her since she started walking and they were just amazed at how well she is walking and toddling all over the house. Not sure what we did all day but somehow managed not to take a single picture-sorry!
But none the less here are a couple of our girl. The first pic is her enjoying her very first apple! I was eating one for a snack and she watched me very intently for about one minute then started waving her arms like crazy and making "bop bop" sounds with her mouth. So I picked her up, sat her in my lap and just held the apple in front of her. Well, she bit right into it and was actually able to get a little pulp off and of course the juice, and she LOVED it. She continued to sit in my lap another 5-10 minutes just biting off small amounts and eating away. Now this is coming from the girl that won't eat stage 3 baby food if there is any chunks in it at all, but she'll eat a raw apple-go figure! 
My first apple!
The second pic is her just out in our backyard wondering around and chasing leaves last nite. It was cool and her and our dog were feeling pretty peppy and just had a great time running all around the back yard and exploring together.
Unfortunately, the cool weather comes to an end this week and it is forecast to be back around 85 degrees by mid week. But we loved the quick glimpse of fall we did have and can't wait for our next "cold" snap!
Until next time.....................................
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