Saturday, August 28, 2010

A weekend at Grams & Grandaddy's

I LOVE my Aunt Janet!!!

Rubbing Grandaddy's head for good luck

Playing Legos with Uncle Randy

just chillin' with my Grandaddy
Giving Grams a hug
Elizabeth and I got to spend the weekend at my parents house and Elizabeth got to celebrate her birthday with Aunt Janet. Aunt Janet was in the hospital for the "real" birthday party and was not able to make it and had been very disappointed. So last weekend during our visit Elizabeth had plenty of time with Aunt Janet and opened her presents from Uncle Randy and Aunt Janet and also had a small birthday cake too. And the answer to your question is "no, she did not eat this brithday cake either."

If you read my previous post on her birthday party in July you will see that I said Elizabeth was only interested in cutting up the cake with her spoon and did not want to take even one bite. That was again true last weekend when we tried to give her birthday cake again! What is the matter with this child???? A kid that doesn't eat birthday cake???? Anyway, she had a great time and I did too and here are some pictures to enjoy.........................

School Days!

Hi out there to everyone! Hope your summer is going well and you have not sweated to death like we have here in Florida.

Elizabeth has now started pre-school and here are a couple pics of the first day. She is really enjoying it. She goes 2 days per week for 3 hours and is pretty tuckered out once she gets home. Somedays she has to take a nap right away, even before eating lunch, because she is so pooped out. And today we have a slight runny nose, welcome to the world of school children, I guess!

We also had a 2 year old check up and our girl is 19.1 lbs in weight, and 30 inches tall. So that is almost 6 lb weight gain in the last year, and about 2.5 to 3 inches in height. Not too bad. As you can tell by the pictures her hair is growing like a weed too!!

Ready to go to school with my new book bag that is as big as me!

Waiting outside the classroom door to go into school. I wouldn't look at my mom because there was just too much other stuff going on!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A day in the life

Doing one of my favorite jobs-using the Swiffer on the bathroom floor. I also love to feed the dog and clean the bathtub every nite after my bath!!!!

Still playing with my Pablo ballon from my birthday-notice he is being dragged around by his head

Like father-like daughter

Feeding my doll a play doh sandwich-yum yum

Just a girl who loves her high heel shoes!!!! And a shopping bag too!!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

2 year old photos

Here are a couple of shots of our girl documenting the fact she is now 2 years old!!! These pictures turned out adorable, but I will let you all in on a little secret. This was the 2nd time we went since the first time we got about 3 shots in and then a total, major meltdown started and we had to leave!!! Welcome to the world of a 2 year old! It is just amazing to look at the pictures taken almost exactly one year ago and to see how Elizabeth has changed. We just love her to death-temper tantrums and all!
Until next time................................