Tuesday, August 23, 2011

School days-once again!

Another school year is upon us and Elizabeth started 3 year old preschool today! YEAH! She has had to change schools this year which we weren't too happy about at all, but things happen and you just move on. Anyway-she is going Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 to 11:30 and then stays an extra hour for what they call "lunch bunch."

She really loves school and when she woke up this morning the first thing she said was "Momma, I go to school today, I so cited!" While jumping up and down in her bed with her arms in the air. I really believe she was "cited" as she says.

I think she had a great day overall but will only tell me about lunch bunch and not what else went on during the day.

This was the only good picture I could get before we left today because she was very interested in the neighbor's dog that was over visiting before we left for school! I think this is the only picture she would actually look at the camera! Ha! Always wondering what everyone else is doing instead of herself.

We have had our 3 year old pictures taken now and have ordered the final copies. Once we get those I'll post here for everyone to see. It just amazes me to watch the change from year to year. Still can't believe she has been with us for 2 very amazing years. There were many, many days we thought she would never be home with us, but oh the wait was soooooo worth it!

Hope everyone else that is returning to school has a great year!

Until next time...........................................

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Guess who is 3 years old today!!!!

The MacDonald clan prior to climbing the lighthouse, we were NOT fit for photos afterwards due to EXCESSIVE sweating!

We spent the entire weekend celebrating Elizabeth's 3rd birthday. We climbed the Ponce Inlet lighthouse on Saturday and then had lunch at one of our favorite places at the inlet.

Then on Sunday we went to the Rainforest Cafe at Downtown Disney for lunch. Elizabeth was kind of nervous the first 2 times the thunder and lightening started, but after that she thought it was hilarious! She loved the animals moving and talking and had to look at them and talk to them throughout lunch.

Now today, her actual birthday, will just be a quiet celebration around our house. Just the 3 of us. Hopefully we can visit the splash park in our area this afternoon if the afternoon thunderstorms hold off. Then cake and ice cream later. Hard to believe our little girl is 3 years old. Here are a few pictures from the weekend and this morning.

Until next time...........................

Elizabeth and Granddaddy waiting in line at the Rainforest Cafe and the animals began to talk, check out the look of surprise!

You mean this present is for me???

Looking through her viewmaster for the 1st time

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

2 years ago today-GOTCHA!

2 years ago today in a land far, far away we were handed the most tiny, pale, scared little girl we had ever seen. Now 2 years later we have an almost 3 year old (next week in fact) who is boisterous, happy, musical, beach loving, silly, independent and oh so spicy! She is the most precious gift we have ever received and love her more and more each and every day.

I hope the video plays for you, it is a very special moment in our lives-the moment she was handed to us and we became a forever family. I will not watch it this morning before going to work since it always brings on a river of tears to watch! Here is our beautiful, precious Elizabeth Grace-then & now.


The very first time we saw her face to face

Daddy holding his girl for the 1st time

Momma so happy to have our baby girl at last!

Our little surfer girl

Having story time with her bear, Cooper

If you're happy and you know it clap your hands

Jump, jump, jump

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July to all our friends and family!

Hope you have good food, fellowship and a great fireworks show later!!!

Can't believe it has been almost 2 years since we traveled to China to get our little girl, who is turning 3 years old on July 27th-WOW where has the time gone??!?!?!??!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Very sad news here today

It is with a very sad heart we announce that Elizabeth has lost her beloved Papa today. John Francis (Frank) MacDonald (Patrick's father) passed away on Friday, June 3rd about 8:30 pm.

We will all miss you Frank!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Yes the Easter bunny has visited our house overnite! Elizabeth is already asking for candy and started the day at 6:45 am wanting to open her box of Peeps! Ha! Just like her mom-I love those things!

We will be doing an easter egg hunt momentarily and probably later do some swimming at the neighbor's house. A beautiful Florida Easter-should be about 90 degrees today (yes warm but better than snow!) and the sun is out and shining bright.

Elizabeth and I went to a field yesterday, near one of the hospitals that I round at, that is just bursting with wildflowers. It is a very popular picture spot and on Friday morning I actually saw a photographer unloading furniture for a photo shoot in the field. None the less, we ventured out there yesterday and there was just one other family doing pics so Elizabeth and I had a little photo shoot of our own! Enjoy the pics!

An update on Elizabeth now-is almost completely potty trained now, even wearing "big girl panties" all the time now, haven't accomplished nite time potty training because she still sleeps in a crib. She is 20 lbs, 8 ounces, and is wearing mostly 18 month clothing. Need the 18 months for the length but is like a 12 months in the waist. Her shoe size is a 6 to 6 1/2, and she is about 31-32 inches tall. Her hair is so long and getting thicker by the day. She still loves preschool and will be going to the same school next year as well. She loves to be outside and dig in the dirt, and she LOVES the beach-YEAH! That is special girl time when we go to the beach.

Until next time............................

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Just a few more pics

Yes, I really am mom's lucky charm!!!!

A little blurry, but I loved my pony ride!!!

Just chillin' with Aunt Janet at the petting zoo

Uncle Randy I want that pony for my birthday!

Has it really been since October that we were last here?????

Hello to all my friends out there!!!!

Eating pizza for the 1st time!

Dancing my socks off at Alicia's wedding-I am known as the Dancing Queen you know?!?!?

Riding my "bike" that Aunt Janet and Uncle Randy gave me for Christmas

Swinging on my new swing set

Hummmmm, now what was I googling?!?!
I know it has been a very long time since we were last here, but life is very busy with a 2 1/2 year old! Elizabeth is growing up so fast, I sure do miss our "baby" but she is growing up into quite a little lady.
She goes to preschool 2 mornings per week, but asks every morning "school today?" We are still in speech therapy one day per week, but in the last 2 months we have really been taking off and meeting our goals and I don't think speech will be needed much longer. As a result of speech her eating patterns are much improved and meal time does not take near as long. And an added benefit it she LOVES carrots!!!! This is one of her foods she eats during therapy and as a result she now loves carrots!
We are really moving along with potty training and may be able to go to school in a week or two in just regular clothes and regular underpants! YEAH!!!
She is still the tiny peanut, only weighs 20.5 lbs, and is about 31 to 32 inches tall. But trust me the attitude makes up for the small stature! Her father and I had no idea so much noise could come out of something so little!!!! She is so active, never stopping for a minute. One of our travel mates recently had a photo of her little girl laying on the sofa watching cartoons, well you will never see that kind of picture here, because the longest Elizabeth sits still is about 2 minutes and then on to the next project.
I will post some more pics in just a minute in a separate post, just so this one does not get too long. I'll try not to go so long between posts again, but again, no promises!!!
Until next time...................................