Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Yes the Easter bunny has visited our house overnite! Elizabeth is already asking for candy and started the day at 6:45 am wanting to open her box of Peeps! Ha! Just like her mom-I love those things!

We will be doing an easter egg hunt momentarily and probably later do some swimming at the neighbor's house. A beautiful Florida Easter-should be about 90 degrees today (yes warm but better than snow!) and the sun is out and shining bright.

Elizabeth and I went to a field yesterday, near one of the hospitals that I round at, that is just bursting with wildflowers. It is a very popular picture spot and on Friday morning I actually saw a photographer unloading furniture for a photo shoot in the field. None the less, we ventured out there yesterday and there was just one other family doing pics so Elizabeth and I had a little photo shoot of our own! Enjoy the pics!

An update on Elizabeth now-is almost completely potty trained now, even wearing "big girl panties" all the time now, haven't accomplished nite time potty training because she still sleeps in a crib. She is 20 lbs, 8 ounces, and is wearing mostly 18 month clothing. Need the 18 months for the length but is like a 12 months in the waist. Her shoe size is a 6 to 6 1/2, and she is about 31-32 inches tall. Her hair is so long and getting thicker by the day. She still loves preschool and will be going to the same school next year as well. She loves to be outside and dig in the dirt, and she LOVES the beach-YEAH! That is special girl time when we go to the beach.

Until next time............................