Tuesday, August 23, 2011

School days-once again!

Another school year is upon us and Elizabeth started 3 year old preschool today! YEAH! She has had to change schools this year which we weren't too happy about at all, but things happen and you just move on. Anyway-she is going Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 to 11:30 and then stays an extra hour for what they call "lunch bunch."

She really loves school and when she woke up this morning the first thing she said was "Momma, I go to school today, I so cited!" While jumping up and down in her bed with her arms in the air. I really believe she was "cited" as she says.

I think she had a great day overall but will only tell me about lunch bunch and not what else went on during the day.

This was the only good picture I could get before we left today because she was very interested in the neighbor's dog that was over visiting before we left for school! I think this is the only picture she would actually look at the camera! Ha! Always wondering what everyone else is doing instead of herself.

We have had our 3 year old pictures taken now and have ordered the final copies. Once we get those I'll post here for everyone to see. It just amazes me to watch the change from year to year. Still can't believe she has been with us for 2 very amazing years. There were many, many days we thought she would never be home with us, but oh the wait was soooooo worth it!

Hope everyone else that is returning to school has a great year!

Until next time...........................................