Well guys-it is now 6:51 am China time-we are scheduled to get our girl around 11 AM. That just made my stomach do a flip flop when I typed that.
I slept very well last nite (with a little help from the medicinal variety) and Patrick slept fitfully. I am strangely calm now (probably left over effect of my meds last nite). Today will be quite busy as we leave the hotel around 10:30 am and will get the babies starting around 11 AM. We will come back to the hotel and then the orphanage director and some of the caregivers will be here at the hotel for us to ask questions about our baby and her schedule, likes and dislikes, etc. Then we will have some quiet time this afternoon for Elizabeth to check us out and us to check her out. She is probably scared to death and quite honestly, we are too.
We were told the babies may have come to the hotel last nite since it is a 3 hour drive from the orphanage to here, but we never saw any babies. They also could have left their area very early this morning and come right to the civil affairs office. That could be interesting. They could be very hot, tired and maybe carsick at that point. We'll find out soon enough.
Please pray for us for a smooth transition and that Elizabeth will not be too traumatized by today's events.
There are major internet issues in China right now due to some civil issues in Western China. Our internet connection has been limited at best. I think the only reason I am able to post now is it is still rather early. We will get as much info and photos to the blog as we can but if there is nothing there it is because of the internet delays and outages. Just be patient-we will catch up with you guys.
Well off to shower, and then try to eat something. By the way, we are going to starve here this week. This province is known for its spicy food. We went to a local restaurant for dinner last nite and asked for non spicy food. Well, safe to say I only had one or two bites and my bottom lip was numb, Patrick was sweating and even he said the food was too hot for him and he is able to handle alot more than I can! Our guide keeps telling us that this province is the "real" China. Not big city like Beijing where things are alot more westernized and not Guangzhou that has been set to cater to adoptive families. There is no bartering of prices, no McDonald's, no KFC (if there is we haven't seen them) and apparently there is a Pizza Hut. However, the last group through here ate at Pizza Hut and a big portion of their group got sick, so guess what-no Pizza Hut for us!!!!!
Well, the countdown if really on now, stay tuned for more......................
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