Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday, July 26th
We have now been in Guangzhou almost 24 hours.  We are all settled in at our hotel and Elizabeth has had a great day so far.  We were fortunate to run into some of our travel mates at breakfast this morning who told us we could buy diapers and water right next door instead of down the street at 7-11.  And we also found jarred baby food so we bought a chicken one and an apple one and she enjoyed both at lunch today.  She also had 4 ounces of formula as well.  I think we have quickly come to the realization we have not been feeding her enough and when she is full she is VERY happy and playful. 
We went out walking around the island some this morning and spent some money to pump up the economy but have alot more serious damage to do.  Patrick also went to the catholic church service this morning at 8 am.  He said he did not understand a word of it but figured out where to say amen.  He also thinks he sat in someones spot and he kept getting stared at.  I also think it was because he was the only white guy in the crowd and was sweating so much they couldn't not look at him.  He said it was extremely hot in there and they only had about 12 fans running as well.  In fact, when he came back from church we ran into some other travel mates in elevator and they asked if he had been swimming!  I am used to his sweating so I just ignore it but most people just have to look a little.
Today is just a relax day, do nothing or just do what you want.  As long as the weather holds off (it kind of looks like rain at the moment) we will probably take her down to the playground later.  We are meeting the group at 5:30 pm for dinner tonite. 
Tomorrow all the babies have their medical checkup.  Because we are considered a Hague family we were told that Elizabeth will require between 5-8 immunizations.  This is just not fair.  She gets shots because of paperwork and tomorrow is her birthday.  No baby should have to get shots on her birthday.  I am planning on keeping her medicated with Motrin most of the day.  We are also a little worried for other reasons for the medical appt.  Some families recently went to the medical appt and the physician found "problems" and because they were not initially approved for a "special needs" baby they were stuck here in country until a homestudy addendum could be done and sent to the consulate.  We have tried to prepare for this and did a homestudy addendum for special needs, just in case.  We were having such trouble with even getting the OK to travel that we thought if there was a problem with a medical issue it would definitely happen to us!    Please say a pray for tomorrows visit and also that it will not be too traumatic for Elizabeth and all of her immunizations she will be having. 
The island that we are staying on is very nice and the people and shopkeepers are so friendly.  Business has really died down for them as international adoptions have decreased and they are trying to stay afloat.  We'll see what we can do to keep the money flowing in their shops! 
I guess that is all for today.  Kind of nice to not have to go anywhere or do anything, just let ourselves plan our day.
Until next time...................................... 

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