Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sorry again for the delay folks!
So sorry to everyone about not posting as regularly as I promised.  We have been VERY busy getting to know Elizabeth and our group has been on the go big time since we got the babies. 
Yesterday, we all boarded the bus at the hotel at 10 AM and headed back to the Civil Affairs Office to complete the Chinese side of our adoption.  We went back to the 3rd floor room where we received Elizabeth and then went in for a one to one meeting with an affair official to go over our paperwork, then we went into another room and met with another official who interviewed us and wanted to know things like how long have we been married, how much money do we make, why did we want to adopt from China etc.  When we were in the first room completing paperwork they did Elizabeth's footprint in red ink and we have our own copy of her footprint as well.  So tiny and cute! 
After the 2 interviews we met with the assistant orphanage director so that we could ask questions about our babies.  As we were talking to her she told us Elizabeth was crying because she was hungry.  Now didn't that just look fantastic-us adopting a child and can't even tell that her crying means she is hungry!  Wow!  I had found several spots on Elizabeth that I thought looked like she had an IV and the director confirmed she was sick with a "cold" about one week ago and had an IV.  I found 4-5 IV sites so I am not sure if these were IV attempts or she actually had to many IV's.  She does have a runny nose and eyes, and a bit of a hacky cough, but no fever.
After finishing at the Civil Affairs Office we hopped on the bus and went to .........WALMART!!!  Don't you just love the fact you are 8000 miles from home but you can still go to Walmart.  Well, it is not quite like Walmart in the US, and the smell is definitely not like Walmart in the states but we got the things we needed and headed back to the hotel.  We played with our girl and then she fell fast asleep in the floor with her butt in the air and both arms out at her sides.  So cute!!!! 
Then around 5 pm the meltdown began.  I will post more about that later.
My mom is trying desparately to get photos onto the blog for you guys, we might just have figured this out.
We are leaving for the park to view the eclipse and will try to post more when we return

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