Friday, July 17, 2009

Not sure how our post are going to look as blogger is blocked in China.  However, there are several ways to try and negotiate around this.  None guaranteed to work, but we will give them all a try to get our post up and running. 
We left Orlando International on Wednesday July 15th at 6:50 am, and flew to Newark, where we then bored a plane for Beijing.  The flight was long-about 13 hours in length, and the plane was FREEZING! Even Patrick was complaining it was cold, so you know it must be cold.  Two young men were escorted on to the plane with very serious looking NJ State police or TSA officials or some type of authority figure.  Did not look good and both of these gentleman were also escorted out of their seats about 15 minutes before we landed, and then we never saw them again.  We arrived in Beijing and DID NOT have to have the Hazmat team bored the plane for temperature checks due to the swine flu.  That was a relief.  We did go through several quarantine areas that Patrick said there were thermal scans being aimed at everyone forehead that went through these checkpoints.  I was totally oblivious to that part!!
We were then met at the baggage claim area by our guide, Joe, who then brought us to our hotel the Novotel Peace just about 1 mile from the Forbidden City.  We went to the supermarket and bought some bottled water and a coke then came back to the room and fought sleep hard but did manage to stay awake until about 6 pm-wow!   By then the fatigue was just overwhelming and we went off to sleep.  I personally woke up around 1:30 and was awake until 4 am.  Then fell back asleep until about 5 am.  Patrick slept from 6 PM until about 4 AM.  Unheard of, but the boy was tired!!!
Today we left the hotel around 8:30 am and went to the Forbidden City in the pouring rain with about 1 million other Chinese locals and tourist.  The rain does not deter these people from their vacations.  We then proceeded on to a Tea tasting ceremony that was very lovely and the tea was delicious.  From the tea tasting ceremony we went to the Hutong rides-this is a small rickshaw that holds up to two people and some poor little guy pedals you around the Hutong area.  The Hutong area is a communal living space where generations of families live in the same area, and share comman areas like kitchens and baths.  Then they have very small bedrooms and living areas that are theirs.  We were served a very lovely lunch that was homemade while there and learned a little about Chinese traditions and family.  After the visit in the Hutong area we made our way west of Beijing to the Silk factory.
Wow-is all I can say about the silk factory and works.  Such beautiful linens, and dresses, and baby outfits.  We did hold back and will check out silk in the 2 other provinces we are to travel to and we kind of need to know for sure what size Elizabeth is before we buy any clothing for her.
On that note, it is now Friday evening here, so that means we get our girl in about 2.5 days!  Wow-the last 4 years seem like nothing now. 
Tomorrow we are off to the Great Wall, Summer palace, traditional Peking duck dinner and Chinese acrobat show.  It will be a busy day I think.
Until next time....... 

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