Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Just a few facts about Elizabeth:
She is tiny-very tiny-like 13.5 lbs tiny.  We bought her diapers yesterday and they are size small, that is just one step above newborn.  I also only brought clothes 6-12 months and only 1 set of pajamas fits.  All of her other clothes are huge and thank God I remembered to bring 4 diaper pins because her shirts and pants need to be pinned
She has a cute dimple in her right cheek that is really noticeable when she chews her food. 
She has alot of hair compared to the other babies in our referral group.  The Chinese people say this is a measure of good nutrition.
She likes both Patrick and myself fairly equally.  This can be an issue with newly adopted children.  Often times they tend to go to one parent or the other but at this point she is going to both of us equally.  If we are both in the same room and one of us leaves, she gets very upset and really cries until we come back into the room.  
When she is hungry she likes to eat, if she is not in the mood to eat, no matter what you do you can not get her to eat.
She LOVES stacking cups and LOVES banging them on things and on us. 
She crawls very well and quickly and can pull up on things, but is not walking as of yet.
She has one tooth on the bottom and another one right next to it just starting to break the skin. 
She is very loving, putting both arms around your neck when you hold her.  She loves to put her hand in your mouth. 
I guess that sums up what we have figured out about our girl over the last 2.5 days.  But you know what, we have a lifetime to continue getting to know her even better.
Until next time..................