We are in Changsha! Meeting place for Elizabeth Grace MacDonald and her mom and dad!!!
Hello from Changsha, China. We have made it to the province in which our daughter resides. We left Beijing around 12 noon and flew to Changsha, which was about a 2.5 hour flight. Very interesting flight I might say. First, we walked out onto the tarmac-don't know when the last time was that I had to do that to get on a plane. Then the flight attendants were introduced before our flight safety video. The attendants walked up and down the aisle frequently and instead of telling you to put your tray table and seat back up, they would reach across and do it for you, nicely, but none the less you knew they meant business. Let's see we were also served lunch on board-don't know what it was, didn't eat a bit but did save my peanuts for a snack later!!!! Then the cigarette smell started to fill up the cabin. Now this was a non smoking flight and they said it throughout the safety video and there were the usual signs for no smoking. However, you find in China that things here are merely a suggestion. Like traffic lights, directional arrows, instructions on how to fasten your seat belt, etc. just suggestions nothing enforced.
We have now checked into our hotel which is the Dolton. Very nice indeed and we have the mack daddy room of all with a separate sitting area, bedroom and office area and then a bathroom with a small foyer leading into the bathroom. Very nice indeed and plenty of room for Miss Elizabeth to spread out.
We are fortunate enough to be here for record setting heat. Our guide, XiXi, has told us that this is the hottest summer in over 5 years. Lucky us!!! Feels alot like Florida when it is 103 in Florida. That is the temperature here today-103! Nice huh!!!
We are meeting everyone downstairs a little later for dinner and just a quick tour of the surrounding area. I am not sure we will be able to get out much due to the heat, but we still need to know where things are at just in case.
We were also told we will have Gotcha around 11 am tomorrow. We will gather at 10:30 in the hotel lobby and then be off to the Civil Affair office for Gotcha around 11 am. Apparently, the Civil affairs office closes around noon so the officials and some of the caregivers will come to the hotel in the afternoon to answer questions about our babies. Then on Tuesday, we will return to be interviewed by the government officials and do the paperwork to keep Elizabeth.
We were also told today that the Article 5 we have been waiting for was expressed to Beijing on Friday so we should be all set as far as paperwork goes at this point. Let's hope we have no issues with our medical exam in Guangzhou, but I think we have that covered as well.
Well say a prayer for us tonite-we are excited and nervous all at the same time. We will have our girl in about 29 hours! WOW!
Until next time...........
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