Elizabeth got over her cold very quickly, like in about 36 hours, thank goodness. Unfortunately, her father and I did not fair so well. We have both been terribly congested and hacking up lungs. In fact, I was up from 12 midnite until 2:30 am just coughing last nite. Not so much coughing today but I think I coughed enough last nite for me, Patrick, Elizabeth, and our entire street. Patrick still has a snotty nose, but I can tell is feeling better because he has been out doing yard work this morning and hung Elizabeth's new swing!!!! She got her swing last weekend from her Grandmama and Granddaddy Cooper and we have been trying to figure out the best place to put it. Well it is up and she seemed to like it, although she had just gotten up for a nap when I put her in it the first time she wasn't firing on all cylinders yet. When it starts to cool off this evening we will go back out for round 2! She loves to swing on our big swing-a 2-3 person swing so let's hope she likes her own personal swing too.
Not much else going on-just thought I would post some random photos of our girl. The one where she is looking out her window in her room is too cute. She heard the weedwacker going last nite and started babbling "Dada, Dada, Dada" so I opened the blinds and she looked all over for him and then he appeared in her window and she got soooooooo excited and was waving at him and clapping like crazy. It was cute. She stool there along time watching him and then watched him walk off into another part of the yard. I have also posted another pic of her in her new wagon-compliments of Aunt Janet. She LOVES the wagon, loves to go ride in it and it such a ham while out and about. She waves to people (now I'll tell you a secret sometimes she is waving to no one at all but thinks she is) and babbles like crazy and often times before the end of the ride she is bent over poking her fingers through the holes in the bottom of the wagon. The wagon was intended to ride Elizabeth and our dog, but our dog is kind of hyper and will not sit still to ride. So Elizabeth has the mack daddy wagon, complete with cup holders, all to herself!
Enjoy the show, Until next time......................................
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