Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Thank the Good Lord, we arrived home in Florida on Sunday evening around 8:30 pm!!!! We were gone a total of 18 days, but felt like 18 years. We really enjoyed our time in China but it is always good to come home. As you can see from the previous post we spent a day and a half at Patrick's brother's house just outside of Newark and we terrorized his house and family during that time. They were all so good with Elizabeth and she had the time of her life while we were there. Undivided attention from about 6 family members can do that to a little girl!

Typical of vacations and trips away from home however for Patrick and myself, we left for the airport on Sunday morning and it was raining and fairly nasty in Newark. I had been worrying that we would have delays with weather since we were flying mid day and during the summer time we all know storms are common. Sure enough, just as the plane was backing away from the gate they closed all departures in Newark. Long story short-we ended up sitting on the plane for 2 hours in Newark just pushed back about 500 feet from the gate so there was no way we were getting off. When the first hour passed it became pretty clear we were going to miss our connection in Atlanta. We had even booked a longer layover than usual just to account for possible weather delays and since we were now traveling with an infant, we figured we needed the extra time. Thank goodness we were in first class so at least we got some special attention and a nice meal, even though we were not airborne. Once it was clear we were going to miss our plane into Orlando, I got on the phone with Delta reservations and got the nicest agent on the line who helped us secure a different way home. Unfortunately, we were not able to get into Orlando like we had planned and my parents and sister were very disappointed. We only had one option and that was to go to Daytona Beach. So that is what we did. Our neighbors were so kind to come and get us and we finally arrived in Daytona about 4 hours after our original schedule to come home. It was just a nasty day overall and Atlanta airport was a mess with people trying to get rebooked on flights, delays, missed connections etc. Our only snafu once we got to Daytona Beach we realized our luggage went to Orlando. So after traveling all day, going to a different airport, getting home at 9:30 pm and finally going to bed around 11:15 pm. the phone rings at midnite. It is Delta baggage wanting directions to our house to deliver our suitcases! We had just fallen asleep!!! Then at 5:15 am the phone rings again and it is the luggage delivery guy saying he missed a turn and needs new directions to our house. Now Elizabeth had just been up from 2:30 to 4:30 and I had just gone to bed and literally just fallen asleep when the phone rang at 5:15, I was a little perturbed at that point. But, none the less our luggage was here when I finally got up at 7:30 am.

Elizabeth met her maternal grandparents yesterday and she loved them and they loved her. She was quite fussy and didn't want to nap before they arrived so I was a little concerned over how she would be. But they walk in and dote attention on her and she just comes to life, despite only a 20 minute nap. She pulled out all of her tricks for them-clapping her hands, pointing her fingers, doing how how on her lips, grinning, babbling and just doing the things Elizabeth does. Also all of a sudden her appetite took off yesterday. She ate just as much as Patrick and I did. She really didn't show much interest in food unless she was starving and crying, but yesterday she made up for that. Whatever we put in front of her she ate, and when I thought she was full up to the top, she would eat some more. After her big day yesterday she was pooped out at 7:30 pm but I kept her up until 8:30 pm for a bath and bottle before bed. She did not finish the bottle as she was sound asleep by the time she took 2 ounces. So off to bed she went and slept until 3:30 am. She was crying so I went and got her and Patrick made her a bottle. She drank the bottle and went right back to sleep until 7:10 am!! HALLELUJAH!!!! The longest nite yet!!!

We have plans to call the local pediatrician today and get her an appointment this week. Her Aunt Janet is coming to see her later today as well. Janet was supposed to meet us at the airport on Sunday but when we were diverted to Daytona Beach she was not able to get over there, so she is very excited to see her niece for the first time and we are excited for them to meet as well.

Not much else going on now except getting Elizabeth on a schedule and keeping her on a schedule. I am off work until the end of September and plan to soak up every minute with our girl. She is quite special, but we are not jaded at all, right????? She loves her mom and dad and is very interested in getting to know our dog, Grady quite well. She wants to crawl after him and we have been careful to let them have limited interaction but no full blown one on one just yet. He was number one child around here for a long time and is feeling a little neglected so we don't want to traumatize him too much. Not to mention, Elizabeth thinks his toys look like fun so we have to keep her away from them as well.

We'll post some photos later of our girl

Until next time...............................

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