Playing with my cousin Murphie-I loved her!
l "Hey when did that Chinese girl get here?"
Hello to all, hope your weekend was great. Ours was even though we did not have much planned but still had ALOT of fun anyway! On Saturday we kind of chilled out around the house, but did make it to 4 o'clock mass. This was the first time for Elizabeth to attend a church service and we were prepared for the worst, but she was amazing. She loves music so with the piano playing and the priest talking she was pretty mesmerized. Then they rang the bells to signal the start of communion and that occupied about 5-10 minutes of her time looking for where the bells came from. Then we also were turned backwards looking to the back of the church and waving at everyone in the pews behind us!!!! But the biggest thing was she was quiet. No screaming, no crying ,no yelling or clapping her hands, just quiet. I am sure it will never happen again and Patrick will be back going to church by himself, but at least the first visit was good.
Then on Sunday, our niece Murphie and her mom and dad (Patrick's youngest brother and his wife) came over for a play date and lunch. Murphie has been so excited about "ladybug" since she was old enough to understand that a new baby was coming home. She has been anxious awaiting the arrival of Elizabeth and finally on Sunday they had their first official play date. They were so cute together and totally occupied each other's time. Murphie kept Elizabeth entertained and Elizabeth kept Murphie on her toes finding new things to do and keep her happy. The size difference is also hilarious. Murphie is 4 1/2 and Elizabeth is now 1, but the size difference is too funny. You can't appreciate it in the pics, you have to see it in person. It was such a nice afternoon. After they left Elizabeth took a 1.5 hour nap, which is great for her. Murphie you can come over anytime!!!!!
Now today is Monday and we had visitors this morning as well. Patrick's uncle and his wife came over from Altoona to meet Elizabeth and she really turned on the charm for them. Smiling, clapping, dancing.. you know the whole show she has going on. It was great to see them. We then had some house chores to do and little miss thing decided to "help" empty the dishwasher. She was pulling the rack in and out and hitting all the dishes, and then once that got too boring we just leaned down and chewed on the rack itself, you know it feels great on those gums when you are teething! I then took her into our bathroom to wash her face and put some cream on the skin underneath her nose because it is so raw and dry and she saw "that baby"(really just herself but she didn't know that) in the mirror and was waving and clapping at her. I took a pic and will post it here for you to enjoy!!!
After our house chores the "girls" went shopping. Our first stop was the baby consignment store where we purchased a walker for our girl. She is pulling up and cruising on everything but can not walked unassisted. She gets upset if we leave her in the playyard too long so we thought we would give her the option to follow us around in the house. Then we went to Walmart where she was the Walmart greeter, waving at everyone and pointing her finger at them. It was truly cute and fun too. Our girl loves to get out and about and go shopping-YEAH!!!!!
Now we are just "chillin." Nothing special planned for the evening but tomorrow we are having our one year old photos made!!! I am excited about that and hope to God she sheeps well tonite and is in the mood to have pics made.
Well enjoy the photos-
Until next time..................................
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