Saturday, August 29, 2009

Grandparents came for a visit

Today was very exciting around here, because Grandmama and Granddaddy Cooper came for a visit!!!!! As soon as the doorbell rang and they walked through the door Elizabeth got very excited doing her arm flapping that she does when she is happy and excited. This is good because most of Friday afternoon and evening she was quite miserable. As her dad put it, she was pissed off at the world. She screamed and cried for most of the afternoon on Friday. Nothing really mad her happy or calmed her down with the exception of a period of about 30 minutes that she was swinging in her swing. She does love that thing, as does her mom and dad!!! We were pretty pooped by the time she went nite nite around 8 pm. Thank goodness a nite of sleep made her a new woman and she was game on for her visitors today.

We have posted a couple of photos of our "movie" star in her sunglasses and just chillin' in her swing and a photo with her granddaddy as well. We sure wish they lived closer than 90 miles away, but it is close enough to come and visit for a few hours or the day. Too bad Aunt Janet couldn't come and then Elizabeth could have played with her digital camera!!!!

Enjoy the photos, Until next time.............................

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