Thursday, August 13, 2009

Thursday, August 13, 2009

We feel like we are in China!!! Our a/c is broken in our house and it is hot and feeling like China. Which is kind of funny because I was feeling a little sad this am missing our traveling group and seeing all the girls!

Remember how I said in one of the previous blog post that things in China are merely suggestions like traffic lights, not smoking on planes, etc. Well usually in highchairs there is a divider for one leg to go one way, and the other leg to go the other way. As you can see from the photo our daughter thinks this divider is just a resting post for her legs. She is Chinese therefore the divider is just a suggestion, right?!?!?!?

Not much else going on. Unfortunately, word in trickling out that several girls in our adoption group have now tested positive for Giardia. I have been putting off doing Elizabeth's stool sample because she also has to have quite the battery of labs drawn at the same time. After our big immunization visit last week, I thought she needed a break. But, I guess first thing Monday we are headed off for lab work and turn in our stool samples. If she does test (+) for this (it is a parasitic infection in the GI tract) then she takes meds for one week and then gets a recheck on her stool. Hopefully hers will be negative because if it isn't then Mom also has to be tested since I have been bathing in the same water as she has been. NICE!!!! Maybe Daddy will escape this one, but I can't be sure.

The a/c man just left and we have to replace a part that was just replaced one year ago. That doesn't make me happy but thank goodness it was under warranty. The whole system is less than 2 years old so replacing the same part twice in a new system is giving me concerns over the repairs for the future. We'll just have to see what happens!!

Until next time.....................................

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