Thursday, August 6, 2009

Had our checkup today

Today was our first pediatrician visit here in Florida. We saw Dr. Chong at 2:30 today but actually it was a little later because Patrick had to go home and get the documents that proved we were her adoptive parents. Deep down I understand everyone has to CYA but not many people are going to "steal" an asian child, pass it off as their own and also take time to take them to a medical checkup. The first photo above is Elizabeth all dressed up for her first doctor's visit. It is also the first time she wore shoes. She loved playing with the flowers on the shoes and at various times in the afternoon one or both of the shoes was hanging off her toes. She LOVED the doctors office because all the girls were talking to her and paying her so much attention. But, then the needle lady had to show up and it was all over. Unfortunately, because she was immunized in China there is some concern amongst pediatricians here in the US that the shots are not stored properly, handled properly, given at the right time, etc that most adopted kids end up getting a whole new round of shots when they come home. So that's right, Elizabeth had 5 shots before we left China last week, and now today she had 3 shots and a TB test placed as well. Poor baby, it just breaks my heart, but there is literally no way to get around this. I want her protected against disease, but there should be some give and take. She also still weighs right at 13.5 lbs and is about 27 inches long. The way she has eaten the last 2 days, when we go back for followup in 6 weeks I think she may weigh 2o lbs. All kidding aside, I liked the fact our pediatrician did not make a big deal out of her weight. Asian people are naturally smaller than Americans and she is very likely going to be small. I have just not been concerned about it at all, particularly watching the way she has shoveled food in the last few days. In fact, we had to cut her off a couple of times because she was eating so much she would vomit at the end of the meal.
Backing up a little bit, she did sleep for 10 hours last nite and was so rested and good this morning. Unfortunately, between the doctor's visit and other things going on she only had a total of a one hour nap and we paid the price from 5 to 6 pm. Constant screaming and crying and if I moved at all it started all over again. Over the last couple of days she has become extremely clingly with me, more so than ever. I can put her down and literally walk just 2 feet to turn on a light or walk into the kitchen where she can still see and hear me, and the screaming and crying starts. According to some of the other moms in our travel group, they are seeing the same thing. Also, some of the babies have regressed some since coming home-like not holding their bottle or cup any longer, not able to play by themselves at all, etc. I am sure alot of the behaviour we see with Elizabeth has alot to do with coming to the USA, being away from familiar voices, familiar language, familiar looking people, etc. The pediatrician really didn't have any words of advise other than just keep making her feel secure. He basically said "I can tell you what to do medically, but parenting styles differ as much as styles of physicians." Being in healthcare I can appreciate that statement.
After the meltdown between 5 and 6 she had some dinner and then a bath. She really enjoys getting in the bathtub. The other pic at the top is her in her little bathtub that sits inside our big tub. If you squeeze the duck's nose it quacks and she starts bouncing up and down. She then reached around behind her to the edge of the tub and found the Cool Whip bowl that I use to rinse her hair, and she promptly put it on her head and left it there. It was too cute to not photograph! In fact, when I took the bowl off her head she kind of fussed a little bit like to say "hey, that is my hat leave it alone."
I didn't post yesterday, but mostly it was a down day. Patrick went to work/Ormond for a few hours so just me and Miss Priss hung out. We went outside and sat in our swing and had a nice relaxing swing until the 2 kids down the street started having knock down, drag out and getting spankings and told to go inside. Elizabeth became completely distracted and it was time to go inside. So we went in and I decided to do nail care for her big doctor's visit today and guess what??????? I nicked her thumb again cutting her nails. Good Lord I am a nurse for christs sake, why for the life of me can I not cut my daughter's fingernail. I swear she only whimpered for like 2 seconds and she was over it, but it continued to bleed for like 30 minutes. Good thing we were not in China, because after that incident I am quite sure they would not have let us leave the country. I am telling you this is payback for all the times I heard something a parent had done and thought to myself "what a dumbass." I am surely paying the price for those thoughts now!!!!!! Good thing her memory is short and she forgave me in like 1o seconds and was hugging my neck and ready to be loved on. I just felt terrible and kept praying Patrick did not come home while I had the kleenex and pressure on the thumb and have to explain to him that I cut her finger AGAIN. I did eventually tell him later in the day but it sure was nice to not have to do it the minute he walked in the door.
We are slowly adjusting to life in the USA. Some days are good, some nites are good, some days are mediocare and some nites are bad. Nobody is perfect that is for sure. We are still learning about her each and every day and all I can say is thank the Lord I took 8 weeks off to be with her. It is going to take me at least that long to just get the night time routine down. It is just amazing how much our little girl has changed over the last 3 weeks. I can not remember what life was like before her and am not quite sure how I managed to fill my days. She takes up all of our time, but what else did we used to do? We have had alot of visitors as this little girl has been talked about for 4 years now and people want to see her. She loved her grandparents coming up on Monday, her aunt came on Tuesday and saw the not so pretty 5 pm side of her, and then her uncle came yesterday. The neighbors have all been over and the phone calls have been constant. We don't care-it is so nice to know so many people have been involved in this process and are genuinely happy for us.
Well, stay tuned I am trying my best to post a couple of times per week.
Until next time.................................................

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