Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My first birthday photos

This morning at 9 am sharp we ventured down to the photography studio on Sanford and had Elizabeth's one year photos taken. She had a terrible nite, was fussing and whimpering most of the nite and I really don't think ever got into a deep sleep. Patrick did get up with her at 4:30 am and was up with her until 6 am, when I got up. He had just finished giving her a bottle and I took her and sat in the recliner and rocked her and she went back to sleep for about one hour. We actually had to wake her up so she could eat and get dressed to leave the house around 8:30 am. Thank goodness we had that one hour nap because she was "game on" for her pictures.

We did a couple of outfit changes and did hairbows, no hairbows, pink shoes, white shoes, the whole nine yards and she held up very well. I will post a few of the pics at the bottom. I think they turned out great but I am not prejudiced at all, right???

I forgot to mention the other day in the weekend update post that we took Elizabeth outside to "try" grass for the first time on Sunday. She did not like it at all. When Patrick tried to sit her down she drew her legs up real tight to her body and then we he did finally get her to sit she would lean over on one leg and hold the other leg straight up in the air. Finally she did start to relax and eventually put both legs down and then picked at the blades of grass until she got one she could put in her mouth. However, I repositioned and she thought I was getting up so that was the end of the grass trial. We haven't tried it again since, but probably need to so that she learns it is normal and a big part of life in Florida. I think it just proves that she had very little time outdoors when she lived in the orphanage.
I told you yesterday we had bought a walker for her to try and she has now figured out how to make it go and she seems to be really enjoying it. She really had a great time chasing her dad last nite around our kitchen, foyer and living room area. She also discovered how to make the "hunny" jar on the tray play music and when she hits it and the music starts to play she is bouncing up and down like a crazy woman. Let's hope it keeps her happy for some time.

After photos today, we went over to Jo-Ann's and took her outfit the orphanage gave us (this is the original outfit she was found in when she was brought into the orphanage) and had it framed in a shadow box. The framer looked so excited to be able to do this project and really wanted to do something special with the clothes as this is all our baby girl had to her name other than her bottle and the outfit she was wearing the day we got her. I really don't like to talk about it because I get teary eyed just thinking about it, but we needed to do this for her so that she has peace one day that someone did care for her and love her enough to bundle her up and leave her in an area where she was sure to be found and taken to the orphanage. I can't wait to see it when it is done-they said probably less than 2 weeks to finish it.

Unfortunately, since we have been home today Elizabeth has been a pill. I am quite sure this is a byproduct of not sleeping last nite. She is currently down for a nap and I pray wakes up in a better mood. At least she held it together for pictures today!
Well here are some photos, please enjoy-we sure did

Until next time.................................

1 comment:

Tonya said...

I LOVE them!!! BTW, I was showing Brian the pictures and was holding Bella too. When Bella saw Elizabeth on the screen, she did a 180 degree turn around in my arms to look too. :)